When Money Trickles Out The Door
I’m aware that one of the road-blocks around having a QS help you with your pricing, is cost. We are a grudge purchase, like paying for insurance. However, like insurance, if you don’t have us and things go awry, life can be pretty unpleasant.
Aside from the obvious need for a QS because things have gone terribly wrong, there is also the slow trickle of money that slips out the door during a project that you hardly notice from a bad pricing exercise completed at the front end, and the lack of use of the pricing exercise to run the job at all. What am I on about? The labour hours that slip through the cracks. The variations that aren’t picked up on. The team member slacking off and causing delays on site, the clients nominated subcontractor causing you grief…… yeah, this stuff!
So from my point of view, if you aren’t a trained QS, nor have you had training to complete pricing exercises like a QS would, then I think you should use someone who is.
So Who Should Pay?
A few ideas….
It is actually in your client’s best interests that you have a qualified experienced QS price their job. However, they are unlikely to know that unless you explain it to them.
It is commonplace to engage other professionals when embarking on a build, however using a QS is real forward-thinking so your homeowner will likely rely on others to give them the advice that they need a professional here. So tell them!
Tell them why it will help, and what it will do for them. Let them know that by having a QS you will be able to do your job better, faster, and more efficiently. The list goes on.
If your client understands the value, then paying for it will not be an issue.
Either suggest that for them to compare the quotes they receive that they should engage a QS to complete a schedule of quantities for them.
Alternatively, tell them that if they go ahead with you then you will pay for the QS, and if they don’t then they will have to pay.
In addition, in the current economic climate, most lending institutions are now dictating that any loan application must be accompanied by a QS report from a suitably qualified QS (their rules, not ours !) and that cost is the applicant’s responsibility.
Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to know more Ph. 027 238 1866, email : paul.watson@redqs.nz